An Alliance Could Answer The Growing Threat from Google and Facebook
By Evelyn M.Rulsi and Nick Bilton
Although Apple has been hugely successful in selling phones and tablets, it has little traction in social networking, which has become a major engine of activity on the Web and on mobile devices. Social media are increasingly influencing the ways people spend their time and money – important consideration for Apple, which also sells application, games, music, and movies.
There is no guarantee that the two companies, which are not in negotiations at the moment, will come to an agreement. But the earlier talks are a sign that they may form a stronger partnership amid intensifying competition from companies like Google and Facebook.
Apple has not made many friends in social media. Its relationship with Facebook, for example, has been strained since a deal to build Facebook featured into Ping, Apple’s music-centric social network, fell apart. Facebook is also aligned with Microsoft, which owns a small stake in it. And Google, an Apple rival in the phone market, has been pushing its own social network, Google Plus.
They declined to be identified *because* the discussion were private.
The underlined preposition can be replaced by…
A. Although
B. Since
C. But
D. Therefore
E. And
Jawabannya adalah B. Since.
Soal menanyakan pengganti untuk kata yang digaris bawahi pada kalimat “They declined to be identified *because* the discussion were private.”
Because memiliki makna ‘karena’. Kata ini dapat digantikan oleh kata ‘since’ yang juga memiliki makna yang sama pada konteks kalimat di atas, yaitu ‘karena’.
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B. Since.
Hope it helps. Happy learning! 🙂
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