___ in my house. There, I work on my comic for three hours. I work my comic four times in a week; Sunday, Tuesday,

Complete the text with suitable words given.

Daftar isi : hide


My name is Jose Felita, Jojo for short. I have unusual daily routines compared to other people at my age. I am 14 years old. I study at SMP Pembangunan 1 Pontianak. My (1) ___ and school routines are quite similar to others. I get up in the morning, make my (2) ___ and have a bath. Then, I have a (3)___ and then go to school. At school, I study many subjects, play sports, and enjoy school breaks just as others do.

However, my routines are different from others after I arrive home. I am a young comic writer. My work is entitled Captain Felix. It is a comic about a (4) ___ captain named Felix, a cat. Captain Felix is set in a fantasy world where animals act, (5) ___ and dress like people. There, Captain Felix goes for sea adventures with his friends.

Soon after I arrive home, I change my uniform with a casual outfit. Then, I start working on my comic at 5 pm. I have a mini (6) ___ in my house. There, I work on my comic for three hours. I work my comic four times in a week; Sunday, Tuesday, (7) ___ and Friday. I study on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. It looks tiresome, but it is actually (8) ___ I like drawing comics, so I don’t feel tired. I also study on my working days, in the morning. after having dinner with my family, I work on my comic until 8:30 pm. After that, I study until at 9:30 pm.

I spend my weekends like others do. I go out to play with friends or go for a (9) ___ with my family. I sometimes go to a book store to buy (10) ___ utensils.

Number 6

Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah “studio”.

Soal ini meminta untuk dilengkapi bagian rumpang nomor 6 dengan kata yang sesuai pada pilihan tertera.

Untuk menjawab soalnya, perhatikan arti tiap kata berikut:

– ship artinya “kapal”.
– fun artinya “menyenangkan”.
– picnic artinya “piknik”.
– morning artinya “pagi”.
– gallery artinya “galeri”.
– talk artinya “bicara”.
– drawing artinya “menggambar”.
– supper artinya “makan malam”.
– fly artinya “terbang”.
– train artinya “kereta”.
– studio artinya “studio”.
– evening artinya “sore”.
– bed artinya “kasur”.
– Thursday artinya “Kamis”.
– breakfast artinya “sarapan”.

Kemudian, perhatikan kalimat 2 dan 3 di paragraf 3 berikut:

“Then, I start working on my comic at 5 pm. I have a mini (6) ___ in my house. There, I work on my comic for three hours.”

“Lalu, aku mulai mengerjakan komikku jam 5 sore. Aku memiliki (6) ____ kecil di rumahku. Di sana, aku mengerjakan komikku selama 3 jam.”

Dilihat dari arti kalimat dan pilihan kata di atas, bagian rumpang nomor 6 cocok diisi oleh kata ‘studio’ karena kalimat tersebut bermaksud untuk menunjukkan tempat Jojo, penulis teks mengerjakan komiknya saat di rumah.

Oleh karena itu, berikut kalimat lengkapnya:
“I have a mini studio in my house” artinya “Aku memiliki studio kecil di rumahku”.

Jadi, jawaban untuk soal ini adalah “studio”.