Match the left column with the characters on the right column.
The leftt column: What did the character do?
1. The giant ate so much porridge that Too too-moo and her mother often had to starve.
2. When his eyes landed on the empty pot. he became very angry and flipped the pot upside down
3. The king’s other daughters refused to listen.
4. The hermit let the villagers take as much rice harvest as they could.
5. All the jewelry that they had given to her was not enough.
6. “There is no one wealthier than me in this village. These richest are all mine.And I won’t share them with anyone!” yelled Situ Bagendit.
7. I don’t care about others. Whether they starve or die is none of my business. I won’t share anything with anyone
8. ‘Why does Bawang Putih have things that I don’t. This is not fair, mother!”
9. “Bawang Putih, I mistreated you and it has upset God. That’s why He punished mother and me. Forgive us Bawang Putih.”
10.I have never stolen anything from you. l’ve never taken even a single cent from you. Why did you do this to me?”
The right column : The character
a. honest
b. arrogant
c. jealous
d. grumpy
e. greedy
f. stingy
g. regretful
h. ungrateful
i. stubborn
j, generous
Number 8
Jawabannya adalah “c. jealous”.
Soal meminta untuk mencocokkan kalimat nomor 8 dan kata sifat (adjective) yang mewakili sifat dalam kalimat tersebut.
Kalimatnya adalah “Why does Bawang Putih have things that I don’t. This is not fair, mother!” (Mengapa Bawang Putih memiliki hal-hal yang tidak saya miliki. Ini tidak adil, ibu!).
Berikut arti adjectivenya:
a. honest = jujur
b. arrogant = sombong
c. jealous = cemburu
d. grumpy = pemarah
e. greedy = serakah
f. stingy = pelit
g. regretful = menyesal
h. ungrateful = tidak bersyukur
i. stubborn = keras kepala
j. generous = murah hati
Dari kalimat ini terlihat seseorang menunjukkan kecemburuannya akan sesuatu yang dimiliki orang lain tetapi tidak ia miliki. Sifat ini disebut dengan “jealous”.
Jadi, jawabannya adalah “c. jealous”.
Semoga membantu ya 🙂
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