What did the writer do in front o the Bi Bang builing?

What did the writer do in front o the Bi Bang builing? It was January 11th in the afternoon. I had no idea that i would meet the best novelist or author in UK. I was so lucky I met her there It happened when i stood in front of the Big Ban building while waiting for my mother to pick me up. And then, a won stood next to me. Her face looked very familiar but it took time for me to recognize her. And then when I looked at her face twice, I realized that “Oh My God! She is JK Rowling! After that, I told her that I’m her biggest fan from Indonesia. I was so exited I asked her for signing my jacket. I also asked for e-mail address because I wanted ask her about how to make great stories like she did. She gave her e-mail address to me. What a kind person! Seriously it was the best moment I have ever had.

Jawaban dari soal ini adalah “The writer was standing in front of the Big Ben while waiting for his/her mother to pick him/her up”.

Soal ini menanyakan apa yang dilakukan penulis di depan bangunan Big Ben tersebut.

Terdapat kesalahan pada soal dan teks, di mana yang dimaksud adalah “Big Ben”, bukan “Bi Bang” maupun “Big Ban”.

Jawaban dari pertanyaan ini dapat ditemukan pada kalimat yang berbunyi “It happened when I stood in front of the Big Ben building while waiting for my mother to pick me up”.

Apabila diterjemahkan, kalimat tersebut berarti “Hal itu terjadi saat aku berdiri di depan Big Ben sambil menunggu ibuku menjemputku”.

Oleh karena itu, hal yang dilakukan penulis di depan bangunan Big Ben tersebut adalah berdiri dan menunggu ibunya menjemputnya.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah “The writer was standing in front of the Big Ben while waiting for his/her mother to pick him/her up”.