One day, Nasreddin was up on the roof of his house, mending a hole in the tiles. He had nearly finished, and he was pleased with his work. Suddenly, he heard a voice below call “Hello!” When he looked down, Nasreddin saw an old man in dirty clothes standing below. “What do you want?” asked Nasreddin. “Come down and I’ll tell you,” called the man. Nasreddin was annoyed, but he was a polite man, so he put down his tools. Carefully, he climbed all the way down to the ground. “What do you want?” he asked, when he reached the ground. “Could you spare a little money for an old beggar?” asked the old man. Nasreddin thought for a minute. Then he said, “Come with me.” He began climbing the ladder again. The old man followed him all the way to the top. When they were both sitting on the roof, Nasreddin turned to the beggar. “No,” he said. what is the moral story from above text?

One day, Nasreddin was up on the roof of his house, mending a hole in the tiles. He had nearly finished, and he was pleased with his work. Suddenly, he heard a voice below call “Hello!” When he looked down, Nasreddin saw an old man in dirty clothes standing below.

“What do you want?” asked Nasreddin.

“Come down and I’ll tell you,” called the man.

Nasreddin was annoyed, but he was a polite man, so he put down his tools. Carefully, he climbed all the way down to the ground.

“What do you want?” he asked, when he reached the ground.

“Could you spare a little money for an old beggar?” asked the old man. Nasreddin thought for a minute.

Then he said, “Come with me.” He began climbing the ladder again. The old man followed him all the way to the top. When they were both sitting on the roof, Nasreddin turned to the beggar.

“No,” he said.

what is the moral story from above text?
A. Do not call a person from a far distance
B. There Will be consequences for every action you have done
C. Do not become a beggar
D. We have to be a generous person
E. You need to work hard to get a good outcome

Jawaban yang benar adalah “B. There will be consequences for every action you have done.”

Soal menanyakan apa nilai moral yang didapatkan dari teks di atas.

Cerita di atas adalah tentang seorang pengemis yang mendatangi Nasreddin dengan maksud untuk meminta uang. Namun, cara yang dilakukan si pengemis adalah dengan meminta Nasreddin untuk turun dari atap yang membuat Nasreddin terganggu. Sehingga, di akhir cerita Nasreddin meminta si pengemis tua tersebut untuk naik ke atap dan memberikan jawaban ‘tidak’ atas pertanyaan yang ditanyakan si pengemis tersebut.

Dari isi teks, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pesan yang terkandung dari cerita tersebut adalah bahwa akan ada konsekuensi untuk setiap tindakan yang kita lakukan.

Jadi, jawabannya adalah “B. There will be consequences for every action you have done.”

Hope it helps. Happy learning! 🙂