What kind of the text above?

A man from the office was going to give me a ride home one day, so we walked through an empty lot with high grass to get to his car. a few minutes later, we were driving along a major street when i felt some creature, going up my leg under my pants. like many women. i hate most bugs. however, whatever was there was climbing higher and higher. i couldn bear it any longer. i screamed to the driver to stop the car while i frantically started to pull down my pants. he was surprised, but he screeched to a stop next to a very busy sidewalk. i jumped out of the car. i pulled down my pants in front of a rather surprised group of pedestrians. a very large grasshopper came out. i jumped back in the car and we left again. it was embarrassing. but i was glad it want a spider.

what kind of the text above?

a. descriptive
b. narrative
c. recount
d. report

Jawabannya adalah C. recount.

Yuk, kita bahas!

Soal menanyakan jenis teks tersebut.

Teks tersebut termasuk ke recount text, yakni teks yang bertujuan untuk menceritakan kembali pengalaman atau peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lalu. Hal ini diketahui dari kalimat “A man from the office was going to give me a ride home one day, so we walked through an empty lot with high grass to get to his car…” Artinya, “Seorang pria dari kantor akan memberi saya tumpangan pulang suatu hari, jadi kami berjalan melalui tanah kosong dengan rumput tinggi untuk sampai ke mobilnya…”

Jadi, jawabannya adalah C. recount.