The human population in Africa has increased rapidly. It causes a growing demand for farmland. This demand for land has caused the natural habitat of elephants to shrink. As a result, elephants have less space to roam, meaning they come into contact with humans more frequently. These wandering elephants finally disturb the farmer’s fields and crops. This happening leads to conflict between humans and elephants. Who lose? The elephants lose more often. It is not fair. Logging and mining industries must be responsible for the declining numbers of elephants. Both destroy elephants’ natural habitats, so the elephants are difficult to survive. 2. Why is there growing demand for farmland?

The human population in Africa has increased rapidly. It causes a growing demand for farmland. This demand for land has caused the natural habitat of elephants to shrink. As a result, elephants have less space to roam, meaning they come into contact with humans more frequently.
These wandering elephants finally disturb the farmer’s fields and crops. This happening leads to conflict between humans and elephants. Who lose? The elephants lose more often. It is not fair. Logging and mining industries must be responsible for the declining numbers of elephants. Both destroy elephants’ natural habitats, so the elephants are difficult to survive.

2. Why is there growing demand for farmland?

Because the human population in Africa has increased rapidly.

Hello Tutuma,
Kamu diminta untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini berdasarkan teks yang tersedia.

Kalimat pertanyaan “Why is there growing demand for farmland?” memiliki makna “Mengapa ada peningkatan permintaan untuk lahan pertanian?”

Yuk, perhatikan makna kutipan berikut ini:
“The human population in Africa has increased rapidly. It causes a growing demand for farmland.” (Populasi penduduk di Afrika telah meningkat pesat. Hal ini menyebabkan permintaan akan lahan pertanian semakin meningkat.)

Berdasarkan makna tersebut, dapat diketahui bahwa permintaan untuk lahan pertanian semakin meningkat karena populasi atau jumlah penduduk Afrika yang meningkat pesat.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah “Because the human population in Africa has increased rapidly.”

Terima kasih, tetap semangat belajar ya.