A mobile phone or cellular telephone (abbreviated as handphone) or handphone (abbreviated as FP) is an electronic telecommunication device that has the same basic capabilities as conventional fixed line Juhdan, but can be carried anywhere and does not need to be connected to the telephone network using cables.
The first cell phone invented was Martin Cooper, a Motorola employee on April 3, 1973. Cell phones have the function of making and receiving phone calls, cell phones generally also have the function of sending and receiving short messages. Types of mobile phones can be divided into 4 based on their function. The first is Business cell phone, this type of mobile phone is intended for those of you who want a business device in your hand. Then the second is Mobile phone entertainment, this type of mobile phone is a multimedia mobile phone. The third type is Fashion mobile phone, this type of mobile phone relies more on its appearance, and can make its owner very satisfied even with features that seem simple. And the last type is Standard mobile phone, this type of mobile phone is for those of you who want a simple mobile phone.
Based on the text above, answer the folllowing Questions.
E. Mention the 4 types of mobile phones?
the 4 types of mobile phones are divided based on their function :
1. the first type is Business cell phone for business.
2. the second type is Mobile phone entertainment for multimedia mobile phone.
3. the third type is Fashion mobile phone for fashion which heavily relies on its appearance and can make its owner satified.
4. the fourth type is Standard mobile phone for a simple mobile phone.
semoga bisa membantu
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