I have two dogs. My first dog was Woody, and the second was named Bark. Woody has smooth and short fur. He is also a big dog. He is a siberian husky dog. Bark is a calm dog. But it’s a perfect guard-dog. He looks so fierce and bold. Bark is very different from woody. He is a pomeranian breed. Its fur is long but a little rough and stiff. It is small and slightly thin, but very active. Bark is the opposite of Woody. Bark is a little bit fussy and overactive. But it is so cute. Woody is ….

I have two dogs. My first dog was Woody, and the second was named Bark. Woody has smooth and short fur. He is also a big dog. He is a siberian husky dog. Bark is a calm dog. But it’s a perfect guard-dog. He looks so fierce and bold. Bark is very different from woody. He is a pomeranian breed. Its fur is long but a little rough and stiff. It is small and slightly thin, but very active. Bark is the opposite of Woody. Bark is a little bit fussy and overactive. But it is so cute.

Woody is ….
a. a big dog
b. a big cat
c. a small dog
d. a small cat

Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah “a. a big dog”.

Dalam soal ini kamu diminta untuk memilih jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan teks yang tersedia.


“Woody is ….” (Woody adalah …. )

Jawaban dapat diperoleh dari:

“My first dog was Woody, and the second was named Bark. Woody has smooth and short fur. He is also a big dog.” (Anjing pertama saya adalah Woody, dan yang kedua bernama Bark. Woody memiliki bulu yang halus dan pendek. Dia juga seekor anjing yang besar.)

Dari kutipan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa Woody adalah seekor anjing yang besar.

Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah “a. a big dog”.

Semoga membantu ya.