The applications, games, and websites that are not promoted as ‘educational’ are not always the best ones for supporting learning. The fact that they are interactive does not necessarily mean that they are much better than an old-fashioned workbook with its right and wrong answers. Children may enjoy these products for a while but then get a bit bored. Thus, they are not the most appropriate or engaging way to learn.
Treat so-called ‘free’ applications with caution. Some will expose your child to advertisements. Others are designed to wait until your child is engaged in a game or storyline and then demand payment before they can go any further. This can lead to frustration as young children do not understand why they cannot continue. Sometimes it is better to make a small payment in advance if the application promises no further purchases. However, some applications are free to download and completely free of advertisements or in-app purchases.
Choosing an app needs the same kind of thought and care you would put into buying anything else for your chil(D) Do not rely only on the star rating. Instead, read the user reviews and check the privacy policy if you are worried about the personal information that the app might be collecting. If you want your child to enjoy learning, develop curiosity, and think about things creatively, provide them with a range of games and apps. Open-ended games have become progressively more challenging and encourage children to explore and have fun. They are, therefore, more likely to establish a love of learning and to lay the foundation for their future development.
Physical activity, reading, and other more ‘traditional’ activities continue to play a very important part in children’s development. But, most parents do rely on screen devices from time to time to engage their child while they are busy with something else. This is not a problem in itself, just as long as children’s time is made up of balanced range of activities.
(Adapted from:
Regard ing busy parents’ reliance on screen devices to help keep their children entertained, the author assumes that 0000
(A) it is the parents’ responsibility to make their children less engaged with screen devices
(B) children whose parents’ are busy with their activities must use screen devices less
(C) parents need to be aware of their children’s need for varied activities
(D) such parents’ reliance is acceptable as long as the children are given the right proportion of other activities
(E) it is not tolerable as their children need to have more physical activities
Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah D. such parents’ reliance is acceptable as long as the children are given the right proportion of other activities.
Soal ini menanyakan asumsi penulis teks terkait keyakinan para orang tua yang sibuk pada ponsel layar sentuh untuk menghibur anaknya.
Untuk menjawab soalnya, perhatikan kalimat 2 dan 3 di paragraf akhir berikut:
“But, most parents do rely on screen devices from time to time to engage their child while they are busy with something else. This is not a problem in itself, just as long as children’s time is made up of balanced range of activities.”
“Tapi, kebanyakan orang tua bergantung pada ponsel layar sentuh dari waktu ke waktu untuk menarik perhatian anaknya saat mereka sedang sibuk dengan hal lain. Hal ini bukanlah masalah selama waktu anak disusun ragam kegiatan yang seimbang.”
Dilihat dari arti kalimatnya, penulis memiliki asumsi bahwa orang tua yang yakin dengan cara mereka memberikan ponsel pada anaknya itu masih bisa diterima selama anak diberikan porsi kegiatan lain yang tepat.
Jika dicocokkan dengan opsi jawaban, asumsi tersebut sesuai dengan opsi D.
Jadi, jawaban untuk soal ini adalah D. such parents’ reliance is acceptable as long as the children are given the right proportion of other activities.
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