How is bagas new racket?

How is bagas new racket?

Yoyok : Is it your racket, Bagas?
Bagas : Yes. it is. Yoyok.
Yoyok : May I try it for a while?
Bagas : Sure, why not? Take this.
Yoyok : Ah, that is as comfortable as your old one.
Bagas : Yeah, but it is cheaper.
Yoyok : Where did you buy it.
Bagas : Champion Sports Store. I think it is the most complete sports store in town. The prices are also affordable.
Yoyok : I see. I bought suttlecocks tilt and they are cheaper than the other stores.

a. It is as good as the old one.
b. It is as cheap as the old one
c. It is worse than the old one
d. It is more expensive than the old one.

Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah a. It is as good as the old one.

Soal ini menanyakan bagaimana raket baru Bagas.

Pada percakapan terdapat kalimat Yoyok mengatakan “Ah, that is as comfortable as your old one” yang artinya “Ah, itu senyaman yang lama.”

Berdasarkan kalimat tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa raket baru Bagas sama bagusnya dengan yang lama.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah a. It is as good as the old one.

Semoga membantu ya.