When I was a child. I used to be scared of the dark. My parents asked me to sleep alone since I was eight.
My mom used to kiss me on the forehead when I was going to sleep. Then, I asked her not to tum off the lamp
What did the not not want his mother to do?
Jawaban yang benar adalah “He did not want his mother to turn off the lamp”.
Soal ini menanyakan : Apa yang tidak ingin ibunya lakukan?
Dalam teks di atas, penulis berkata, ” Then, I asked her not to turn off the lamp” yang artinya “Kemudian, saya memintanya untuk tidak mematikan lampu”.
Berdasarkan kalimat tersebut maka dapat diketahui bahwa penulis tidak ingin ibunya mematikan lampu.
Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah “He did not want his mother to turn off the lamp”.
Hope it helps. Happy learning! 🙂
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