Suatu lingkaran memiliki sudut pusat sebesar 25° dan memiliki π yaitu 3,14 serta memiliki luas juring sebesar 31,4. Tentukan panjang jari jari lingkaran tersebut!

suatu lingkaran memiliki sudut pusat sebesar 25° dan memiliki π yaitu 3,14 serta memiliki luas juring sebesar 31,4. Tentukan panjang jari jari lingkaran tersebut! Jawaban yang benar untuk pertanyaan tersebut adalah r = 12 cm. Ingat! Luas juring lingkaran = ∠pusat/360° × πr² dimana: r = jari-jari lingkaran π = …

Gambar berikut adalah sebuah kolam ikan berbentuk tabung terbuat dari batu bata. tinggi=0,5m lebar=2m Apabila tiap meter persegi diperlukan 80 bata, berapa banyak batu bata yang diperlukan untuk membuat dinding kolam seluruhnya? Jika harga sebuah batu bata Rp200,00, berapa banyak biaya yang diperlukan untuk membeli batu bata tersebut?

Gambar berikut adalah sebuah kolam ikan berbentuk tabung terbuat dari batu bata. tinggi=0,5m lebar=2m Apabila tiap meter persegi diperlukan 80 bata, berapa banyak batu bata yang diperlukan untuk membuat dinding kolam seluruhnya? Jika harga sebuah batu bata Rp200,00, berapa banyak biaya yang diperlukan untuk membeli batu bata tersebut? jawabannya adalah …

Diketahui titik A(3,1), B(3,5), dan C(-2,5).Jika ketiga titik tersebut dihubungkan akan membentuk….

Diketahui titik A(3,1), B(3,5), dan C(-2,5).Jika ketiga titik tersebut dihubungkan akan membentuk…. Jawaban : segitiga siku-siku Ingat! Panjang garis yang menghubungkan titik A(x1,y1) dan B(x2,y2) adalah AB = √((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2) Segitiga dengan panjang sisi a,b,c merupakan segitiga siku-siku apabila c^2 = a^2 + b^2 dengan c sisi terpanjang. Diketahui titik A(3,1), …

Gurindam berkaitan erat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga isinya berupa ….

Gurindam berkaitan erat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga isinya berupa …. a. imbauan b. ajakan c. perintah d. nasihat Jawaban dari pertanyaan di atas adalah D. Untuk memahami alasannya, mari simak pembahasan berikut. Gurindam adalah puisi lama yang terdiri atas dua baris dan mengandung petuah atau nasihat. Ciri gurindam adalah sebagai …

Sebuah tempat parkir terdapat 90 kendaraan yang terdiri dari sepeda motor dan mobil (roda empat). Setelah dihitung jumlah roda seluruhnya ada 236 buah. Jika tarif parkir sepeda motor Rp.1000,00. Dan mobil Rp. 2000.00, uang yang diterima tukang parkir saat itu adalah?

sebuah tempat parkir terdapat 90 kendaraan yang terdiri dari sepeda motor dan mobil (roda empat). Setelah dihitung jumlah roda seluruhnya ada 236 buah. Jika tarif parkir sepeda motor Rp.1000,00. Dan mobil Rp. 2000.00, uang yang diterima tukang parkir saat itu adalah? jawaban soal ini adalah Rp118.000,00 Metode eliminasi adalah metode …

When will the report…to my office?

When will the report…to my office? Jawaban : be sent. Soal meminta untuk melengkapi kalimat. Kalimat soal adalah “When will the report…to my office?” (Kapan laporan … ke kantor saya?) Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat pasif karena subjek dikenai aksi. Tense yang digunakan adalah Simple Future Tense ditandai oleh kata ‘will’. …

Task 6 Ingredients: – Cassava, – 1 tblsp. yeast, – as well as banana leaves Steps: 1. Peel the cassava skins until they’re all peeled. 2. Cut the cassava into desired shapes. 3. Place the cassava that has been cut into the basin and thoroughly wash it. 4. Drain the cassava until it is completely dry. 5. Combine all of the cassava and water in a large pot. 6. Boil the cassava for 15-20 minutes, or until it is half cooked. 7. Drain the cassava and set it aside to dry and cool. 8. Place one grain of yeast in a plastic bag and mash with a pestle until smooth. 9. If the cassava already dry and cold, sprinkle it liberally with finely ground yeast. 10. Place the cassava in a tightly closed container lined with banana leaves after it has been sprinkled with yeast. 11. Set aside for a couple of days. 12. The tapai cassava is ready to eat. Answer the following questions based on the text in Task 6. What is the title/Goal or aim?

Task 6 Ingredients: – Cassava, – 1 tblsp. yeast, – as well as banana leaves Steps: 1. Peel the cassava skins until they’re all peeled. 2. Cut the cassava into desired shapes. 3. Place the cassava that has been cut into the basin and thoroughly wash it. 4. Drain the …

Task 6 Ingredients: – Cassava, – 1 tblsp. yeast, – as well as banana leaves Steps: 1. Peel the cassava skins until they’re all peeled. 2. Cut the cassava into desired shapes. 3. Place the cassava that has been cut into the basin and thoroughly wash it. 4. Drain the cassava until it is completely dry. 5. Combine all of the cassava and water in a large pot. 6. Boil the cassava for 15-20 minutes, or until it is half cooked. 7. Drain the cassava and set it aside to dry and cool. 8. Place one grain of yeast in a plastic bag and mash with a pestle until smooth. 9. If the cassava already dry and cold, sprinkle it liberally with finely ground yeast. 10. Place the cassava in a tightly closed container lined with banana leaves after it has been sprinkled with yeast. 11. Set aside for a couple of days. 12. The tapai cassava is ready to eat. Answer the following questions based on the text in Task 6. What will happen if you miss one step?

Task 6 Ingredients: – Cassava, – 1 tblsp. yeast, – as well as banana leaves Steps: 1. Peel the cassava skins until they’re all peeled. 2. Cut the cassava into desired shapes. 3. Place the cassava that has been cut into the basin and thoroughly wash it. 4. Drain the …

Task 6 Ingredients: – Cassava, – 1 tblsp. yeast, – as well as banana leaves Steps: 1. Peel the cassava skins until they’re all peeled. 2. Cut the cassava into desired shapes. 3. Place the cassava that has been cut into the basin and thoroughly wash it. 4. Drain the cassava until it is completely dry. 5. Combine all of the cassava and water in a large pot. 6. Boil the cassava for 15-20 minutes, or until it is half cooked. 7. Drain the cassava and set it aside to dry and cool. 8. Place one grain of yeast in a plastic bag and mash with a pestle until smooth. 9. If the cassava already dry and cold, sprinkle it liberally with finely ground yeast. 10. Place the cassava in a tightly closed container lined with banana leaves after it has been sprinkled with yeast. 11. Set aside for a couple of days. 12. The tapai cassava is ready to eat. Answer the following questions based on the text in Task 6. What is the first/ second/ third step?

Task 6 Ingredients: – Cassava, – 1 tblsp. yeast, – as well as banana leaves Steps: 1. Peel the cassava skins until they’re all peeled. 2. Cut the cassava into desired shapes. 3. Place the cassava that has been cut into the basin and thoroughly wash it. 4. Drain the …