Choose the right indirect form of the sentence below. Sofia said, “I meet your daughter?”

Choose the right indirect form of the sentence below.

Sofia said, “I meet your daughter?”
(a) Sofia asked me if she could meet her daughter.
(b) Sofia said if she could met her daughter.
(c) Sofia said that she met her daughter.
(d) Sofia said that she met my daughter.

Jawabannya adalah D. Sofia said that she met my daughter.

Yuk, kita bahas!

Soal meminta kita memilih kalimat tidak langsung yang tepat.

Soal tersebut ditulis dengan Simple Present Tense. Jika diubah menjadi kalimat tidak langsung:
Introductory phrase + that + reported words.
– Introductory phrase + that: Sofia said that
– Reported words: Simple Present Tense –> Simple Past Tense (S + V2 + O/C).
– I –> She/He (disesuaikan)
– Your –> my

Berdasarkan rumus tersebut, maka kalimat tidak langsungnya adalah “Sofia said that she met my daughter.” (Sofia bilang bahwa dia bertemu dengan putriku). Kata ‘met’ merupakan V2 (irregular verb) dari ‘meet’.

Jadi, jawabannya adalah D. Sofia said that she met my daughter.