Complete the sentence with to be am, is, are, and verb 3. Example: The plant (water) is watered every morning. 9. Mangoes (send) ____________from Central Java. Jawabannya adalah ‘are sent’. Soal menanyakan to be am, is, are dan V3 yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat yang rumpang. Terjemahan kalimat tersebut adalah …
Complete the sentence with to be am, is, are, and verb 3. Example: The plant (water) is watered every morning. 10. Bali (know) _____________all over the world.
Complete the sentence with to be am, is, are, and verb 3. Example: The plant (water) is watered every morning. 10. Bali (know) _____________all over the world. Jawabannya adalah ‘is known’. Soal menanyakan to be am, is, are dan V3 yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat yang rumpang. Terjemahan kalimat tersebut …
Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3. 1. The car (wash) _____________ last night.
Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3. 1. The car (wash) _____________ last night. Jawabannya adalah ‘was washed’. Soal menanyakan to be was, were dan V3 yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat yang rumpang. Terjemahan kalimat tersebut adalah “Mobil (cuci) ____ kemarin malam.” Kalimat yang …
Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3. 2. The food (distribute) _______________ to the poor people a week ago.
Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3. 2. The food (distribute) _______________ to the poor people a week ago. Jawabannya adalah ‘was distributed’. Soal menanyakan to be was, were dan V3 yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat yang rumpang. Terjemahan kalimat tersebut adalah “Makanan (kirim) …
Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3. 3.The television (buy) ______________ two months ago.
Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3. 3.The television (buy) ______________ two months ago. Jawabannya adalah ‘was bought’. Soal menanyakan to be was, were dan V3 yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat yang rumpang. Terjemahan kalimat tersebut adalah “Televisi (beli) ____ dua bulan yang lalu.” …
Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3. 4. The heavy bag (bring) ____________by two men.
Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3. 4. The heavy bag (bring) ____________by two men. Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah “was brought.” (Dibawa.) Perintah soal adalah “Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3.” yang artinya “Lengkapi kalimat dengan …
Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3. 5.The table (send) _____________to our house this morning.
Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3. 5.The table (send) _____________to our house this morning. Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah “was sent.” (Dikirim.) Perintah soal adalah “Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3.” yang artinya “Lengkapi kalimat dengan …
Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3. 6. The book (write) ____________by J.K Rowling.
Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3. 6. The book (write) ____________by J.K Rowling. Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah “was written.” (Ditulis.) Perintah soal adalah “Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3.” yang artinya “Lengkapi kalimat dengan to …
Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3. 7. The hospital (build) __________in 1990.
Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3. 7. The hospital (build) __________in 1990. Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah “was build.” (Dibangun.) Perintah soal adalah “Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3.” yang artinya “Lengkapi kalimat dengan to be …
Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3. 8. The film (watch) ____________ by more than two million people.
Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3. 8. The film (watch) ____________ by more than two million people. Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah “was watched.” (Ditonton.) Perintah soal adalah “Complete the sentence with to be was or were and the verb 3.” yang artinya …