PHILIPPINES is the “firmly entrance” of the bird flu virus in Asia and its pandemic among humans remains possible, a World Health Organization expert warned Wednesday.

PHILIPPINES is the “firmly entrance” of the bird flu virus in Asia and its pandemic among humans remains possible, a World Health Organization expert warned Wednesday. While Asian countries are more prepared to react to any outbreaks than before and have vaccine stockpiles, death and infections have continued, noted Takeshi Kasai, the WHO’s regional adviser for communicable disease surveillance and response. “The virus has firmly entranced in this region. I’m afraid” Kasai told reporters during an exercise to test the Philippines’ preparations against the disease. “The virus itself keep changing, so the risk of pandemic persist.” Experts fear the virus, which is usually spread directly from birds to human, could mutate into a form easily transmissible between people, sparking 3 deadly global pandemic. What is the text about?

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Pada teksnya tertera ”PHILIPPINES is the “firmly entrance” of the bird flu virus in Asia and its pandemic among humans remains possible, a World Health Organization expert warned Wednesday. While Asian countries are more prepared to react to any outbreaks than before and have vaccine stockpiles, death and infections have continued, noted Takeshi Kasai, the WHO’s regional adviser for communicable disease surveillance and response.” (FILIPINA adalah “pintu masuk yang kuat” dari virus flu burung di Asia dan pandemi di antara manusia masih mungkin terjadi, seorang pakar Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia memperingatkan Rabu. Sementara negara-negara Asia lebih siap untuk bereaksi terhadap wabah apa pun daripada sebelumnya dan memiliki stok vaksin, kematian dan infeksi terus berlanjut, kata Takeshi Kasai, penasihat regional WHO untuk pengawasan dan tanggapan penyakit menular.)

Teksnya membahas tentang virus flu burung.

Dapat disimpulkan bahwa teksnya berisi tentang berita virus flu burung.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah ”The bird flu virus news”.