Randy : We will exhibit our paintings for the art competition at our school on next Friday.
Robby : You have such a bad memory, Randy. The competition will finish next Friday.
Randy : Oh. When is it, then?
Robby : Can’t you guess? It will not be begun by next Wednesday.
Randy : It will be finished by Friday. It won’t be started by Wednesday. Ok. So, It must be on a day after it.
Robby : Well. Don’t forget to come early to submit our paintings.
From the text dialog, we can conclude that….
A. Their paintings will not be showed next Thursday.
B. Their paintings will be exhibited next Thursday.
C. Their exhibition will not be closed net Friday.
D. Their competition will be held next Friday.
Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah B. Their paintings will be exhibited next Thursday.
Soal ini menanyakan kesimpulan dari dialog tertera.
Untuk menjawab soalnya, perhatikan bagian dialog berikut:
“Randy: We will exhibit our paintings for the art competition at our school on next Friday.
Robby: You have such a bad memory, Randy. The competition will finish next Friday.
Randy: Oh. When is it, then?
Robby: Can’t you guess? It will not be begun by next Wednesday.
Randy: It will be finished by Friday. It won’t be started by Wednesday. Ok. So, It must be on a day after it.”
“Randy: Kita akan memamerkan lukisan kita untuk kompetisi seni di sekolah kita Jumat depan.
Robby: Kamu punya ingatan yang buruk, Randy. Kompetisi akan selesai Jumat depan.
Randy: Oh, kalau begitu kapan waktunya?
Robby: Tak bisakah kamu menebak? Kompetisi tidak akan dimulai Rabu depan.
Randy: Kompetisi akan selesai hari Jumat. Tidak akan dimulai hari Rabu. Ok. Jadi, kompetisinya pasti sehari setelah hari Rabu.”
Satu hari setelah Rabu (Wednesday) adalah Kamis (Thursday). Itu tandanya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ‘lukisan Randy dan Robby akan dipamerkan hari Kamis depan’ pada kompetisi seni di sekolahnya.
Jika dicocokkan dengan opsi jawaban, kesimpulan tersebut cocok dengan opsi B.
Jadi, jawaban untuk soal ini adalah B. Their paintings will be exhibited next Thursday.
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