This reptile has a long tongue with a sticky surface used for catching its food. Also, it has eyes that can move in separate directions. This allows it to see all around it. It has five toes on each of its four feet. These toes help it to climb trees so it can sit in the highest branches. It also has a tail that can wrap around a tree branch helping it to climb without falling. This reptile has the ability to change the color of its scaly skin. What animal is it? It is a ….

This reptile has a long tongue with a sticky surface used for catching its food. Also, it has eyes that can move in separate directions. This allows it to see all around it. It has five toes on each of its four feet. These toes help it to climb trees so it can sit in the highest branches. It also has a tail that can wrap around a tree branch helping it to climb without falling. This reptile has the ability to change the color of its scaly skin.

What animal is it? It is a ….
a. Gecko
b. Iguana
c. Lizard
d. Chameleon

Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah “d. Chameleon”.

Pada soal ini kamu diminta untuk menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks.

Pertanyannya, “What animal is it? It is a….” yang artinya “Binatang apakah itu? Itu adalah…..”.

Untuk menjawab soal ini, kamu dapat melihat pada kalimat terakhir yang berbunyi “This reptile has the ability to change the color of its scaly skin” (Reptil ini memiliki kemampuan untuk mengubah warna kulit bersisiknya).

Dapat disimpulkan dari kutipan di atas bahwa binatang yang dapat merubah warna kulitnya yaitu bunglon atau dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan “Chameleon”.

Oleh karena itu, jawabannya adalah “d. Chameleon” (Bunglon).

Semoga membantu ya.