Dear Diary,
Monday 11 February 2019
This morning was special for me
When I was having breakfast with my parents, someone knocked the door. My mom opened it. A postman gave her a box. It was for me. When I was opening the box, my parents sang a birthday song I was surprised. The box was their gift for me. I thanked them and hugged them. I thought they forgot my birthday.
What was Dini doing when her parents sang a song?
Jawabannya adalah “Dini was opening the box.”
Soal menanyakan apa yang sedang dilakukan Dini ketika orang tuanya menyanyikan lagu ulang tahun.
Dalam teks terdapat kalimat “When I was opening the box, my parents sang a birthday song I was surprised.” yang artinya adalah “Ketika aku membuka kotak itu, orang tua ku menyanyikan lagu ulang tahun. Aku terkejut.”
Dari kalimat tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa Dini sedang membuka kotak hadiahnya.
Jadi, jawabannya adalah “Dini was opening the box.”
Hope it helps. happy learning! 🙂
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