*The Importance of Health Protocols To Prevent COVID-19*
COVID-19 is becoming the main problem of the world right now. I know that we may feel tired about COVID-19. But, to prevent the worse condition, we have to implement health protocols strictly. Why? First, the health protocols such as wearing masks and washing the hand can prevent the person from getting infected by COVID-19. Another reason is practicing physical distancing can help the government to reduce the number of cases and do tracking. Therefore, we need to obey the health protocols and prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Please determine which is the paragraph of thesis, arguments, and the recommendation. Separate the following sentences into paragraphs so that it becomes a text of “Hortatory Expositition”
Paragraph of “Thesis” :
Jawaban yang benar COVID-19 is becoming the main problem of the world right now. I know that we may feel tired about COVID-19. But, to prevent the worse condition, we have to implement health protocols strictly.
Pembahasan :
Soal meminta kamu untuk menentukan paragraph of thesis pada text “The Importance of Health Protocols To Prevent COVID-19”
Text di atas berisi ajakan untuk menerapkan protocol kesehatan di situasi pandemi Covid-19 sekarang ini. Text tersebut termasuk dalam “Hortatory Expositition”. Hortatory Exposition merupakan jenis teks maupun materi lisan persuasif, kerap digunakan untuk menjelaskan apakah sesuatu tidak boleh untuk dilakukan. Text yang termasuk jenis ini terbagi dalam 3 bagian Thesis, arguments and recommendation.
Paragraph of thesis merupakan paragraph yang menyatakan pendapat penulis terkait suatu topik yang sedang dibahas. “COVID-19 is becoming the main problem of the world right now. I know that we may feel tired about COVID-19. But, to prevent the worse condition, we have to implement health protocols strictly.”
Pada paragraf tersebut penulis mengungkapkan pendapatnya atau pandangannya mengenai pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi sekarang ini. Menurut penulis masyarakat harus selalu menerapkan protocol kesehatan agar kondisi ini tidak semakin memburuk.
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah COVID-19 is becoming the main problem of the world right now. I know that we may feel tired about COVID-19. But, to prevent the worse condition, we have to implement health protocols strictly.
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