Although whales were being killed many centuries ago, it is believed that at the time the hunting expeditions hadn’t caused much ecological damage due to limited technology.
As technology, boats, and hunting equipment evolved between the 17th and 20th centuries, the rate at which whales were being killed greatly increased. Hunting for oil became a very lucrative business. As a result, it created highly competitive (international) markets. These increasingly competitive markets eventually led to the growth of the whaling industry.
1. Why did the whales hunting many centuries ago not cause much ecological damage?
Jawabannya adalah “The whales hunting many centuries ago did not cause much ecological damage because of the limited technology.”
Soal ini menanyakan mengapa perburuan paus berabad-abad yang lalu tidak menyebabkan banyak kerusakan ekologis.
Jawaban untuk pertanyaan tersebut dapat dilihat pada potongan kalimat berikut ini:
“Although whales were being killed many centuries ago, it is believed that at the time the hunting expeditions hadn’t caused much ecological damage due to limited technology.” yang terjemahannya adalah “Meskipun paus dibunuh berabad-abad yang lalu, diyakini bahwa pada saat itu ekspedisi berburu tidak menyebabkan banyak kerusakan ekologis karena teknologi yang terbatas.”
Dari potongan kalimat tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa perburuan paus berabad-abad lalu tidak banyak menyebabkan banyak kerusakan ekologis karena keterbatas teknologi.
Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah “The whales hunting many centuries ago did not cause much ecological damage because of the limited technology.” (Perburuan paus berabad-abad yang lalu tidak menyebabkan banyak kerusakan ekologis karena teknologi yang terbatas.)
Semoga membantu ya 🙂
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