Mona : You look excited. Do you want to share it with me? Lia : Sure. I have a new way to make my typing neat. Before this, I got a bit frustrated (24)……. sloppy typing, especially wide spacing between words. Mona: Then, what did you do? Lia : (25)….. Hanif who told me how to tidy up my typing. It happened when he saw me typing and noticed that it had many wide spaces. He claims that our teachers will give a lot of doodles (26)……. minor error for sure. this Mona :Then? Lia : Then, he showed me the way. I applied it on my writings right away. Gotcha! All of my writings are neat now. Mona : You must tell me about it. Lia : Sure. Take out your laptop computer and let me show you.

Mona : You look excited. Do you want to share it with me?

Lia : Sure. I have a new way to make my typing neat. Before this, I got a bit frustrated (24)……. sloppy typing, especially wide spacing between words.

Mona: Then, what did you do?

Lia : (25)….. Hanif who told me how to tidy up my typing. It happened when he saw me typing and noticed that it had many wide spaces. He claims that our teachers will give a lot of doodles (26)……. minor error for sure. this

Mona :Then?

Lia : Then, he showed me the way. I applied it on my writings right away. Gotcha! All of my writings are neat now.

Mona : You must tell me about it.

Lia : Sure. Take out your laptop computer and let me show you.

A. Thanks to
B. Because
C. However
D. Because of
E. Since

Number 25 please 🙂

Jawaban yang benar adalah A. Thanks to.

Soal menanyakan kata/frasa yang tepat untuk melengkapi rumpang no 25 pada teks.

Kalimat “(25)….. Hanif who told me how to tidy up my typing.” artinya “… Hanif yang memberitahuku bagaimana merapikan ketikan ku.”

Dilihat dari strukturnya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kalimat tersebut membutuhkan kata penghubung atau conjunction.

Dilihat dari maknanya, kata penghubung yang tepat untuk melengkapi rumpang adalah kata penghubung yang menunjukan hubungan sebab akibat. Kata ‘Hanif’ menunjukan sebab dan rasa syukur Lia yang telah dibantu oleh Hanif. Sehingga kata penghubung yang dapat digunakan adalah ‘thanks to’.

Jadi, jawabannya adalah A. Thanks to.

Hope it helps. Happy learning! 🙂