They must gather before 7 a.m. because …. *
Dear Radit,
I’ve just got the news that our uncle passed a way one hour ago. We are going to leave for malang soon to attend the funeral. Please be here before 7a.m. because we are going to catch the early train.
Send the photo of your family identity. I am going to book the tickets now. Dont forget to remind your wife and children to notice the train schedule. Tell the news to your wife’s family.
A. They are going to catch the early train
B. They want to leave for Malang together
C. Alisa must book the tickets first
D. The place is far
Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah “A. They are going to catch the early train”.
Dalam soal ini kamu diminta untuk memilih jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan teks yang tersedia.
“They must gather before 7 a.m. because …. ” (Mereka harus berkumpul sebelum jam 7 pagi karena ….)
Jawaban dapat diperoleh dari:
“Please be here before 7a.m. because we are going to catch the early train.” (Harap berada di sini sebelum jam 7 pagi karena kita akan mengejar kereta yang awal.)
Dari kutipan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa alasan mereka harus berkumpul sebelum jam 7 pagi karena akan mengejar kereta yang awal.
Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah “A. They are going to catch the early train”.
Semoga membantu ya.
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