Complete the followings dialogs based on the pictures and cue word. Pictures 1 Jati: Are Mr. Rahwan and your father failing on a boat? (yes) Marlin : [1] Yes. They are failing on my father boat. Jati: Are they looking for pearls? (no) Marvin : [2] _____ Jati: Are they fishing? (yes) Marvin: [3] _____ Jati: Are they sailing near a big reef? (yes) Marvin : [4] _____ Jati: Are there many fish near the big reef? (yes) Marvin: [5] _____ Number 4

Complete the followings dialogs based on the pictures and cue word.

Pictures 1
Jati: Are Mr. Rahwan and your father failing on a boat? (yes)
Marlin : [1] Yes. They are failing on my father boat.
Jati: Are they looking for pearls? (no)
Marvin : [2] _____
Jati: Are they fishing? (yes)
Marvin: [3] _____
Jati: Are they sailing near a big reef? (yes)
Marvin : [4] _____
Jati: Are there many fish near the big reef? (yes)
Marvin: [5] _____

Number 4

Complete the followings dialogs based on the pictures and cue word.  Pictures 1 Jati: Are Mr. Rahwan and your father failing on a boat? (yes) Marlin : [1] Yes. They are failing on my father boat. Jati: Are they looking for pearls? (no) Marvin : [2] _____ Jati: Are they fishing? (yes) Marvin: [3] _____ Jati: Are they sailing near a big reef? (yes) Marvin : [4] _____ Jati: Are there many fish near the big reef? (yes) Marvin: [5] _____  Number 4

Jawaban yang benar untuk soal nomor 4 adalah Yes, they are sailing near a big reef.

Soal meminta untuk menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan gambar yang tersedia.

Terjemahan dialog nomor 4:
Jati: apakah mereka berlayar di dekat karang besar? (Ya)
Marvin: …..?

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan yes/no quuestions, cukup dilihat penggunaan to be kemudian subject yang diikuti dengan keterangan kalimat.

Yes, + to be + Subject + O/C
No, + to be + not + Subject + O/C

Dalam kalimat tanya menggunakan to be are dan subject they.

Berdasarkan gambar yang tersedia, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat dua orang yang sedang berlayar di karang besar.

Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah yes, they are sailing near a big reef.