Mr. danar measures the thickness of a cable with a micrometers screw gauge and the result is shown in the picture. what is the thickness of the cable?

mr. danar measures the thickness of a cable with a micrometers screw gauge and the result is shown in the picture. what is the thickness of the cable?
a. 2.77 mm
b. 2.527 mm
c. 2.77 mm
d. 2.527 mm

mr. danar measures the thickness of a cable with a micrometers screw gauge and the result is shown in the picture. what is the thickness of the cable?

jawaban soal ini adalah a. 2.77 mm

Diketahui :
SU = 2,5 mm
SN = 27
NST = 0,01 mm

Ditanya :
H = ?

Jawab :
Soal ini dapat diselesaikan dengan konsep membaca hasil pengukuran mikrometer sekrup.
Ketebalan kawat :
H = 2,5 + 0,01 . 27
H = 2,5 + 0,27
H = 2,77 mm

Jadi ketebalan kawat adalah (a) 2.77 mm